Suggestions for some practical things you can do
If you’ve got any ideas for things I can add to this list, email me! As always, remember that individual change is important, but systemic change is where it’s at.
Find out more about Extinction Rebellion & go along to your local group
Eat less meat/fish/eggs/dairy – head towards vegan
Keep learning about the climate & ecological crisis and pass it on
Become an Earth Protector
Start a vigil in your local town (here’s a starter pack)
Join Count Us In and make a pledge
Change to an ethical bank
Volunteer some time for a local environmental group
Fly less (or give it up)
Buy less stuff
Sit vigil in your local town with a friend (like me)
Organise or attend local eco-actions (marches, die-ins etc!)
Change your power providers to eco-friendly companies
Do home composting
Go on a holiday to plant some trees
Put Earth Strikes in your diary
Start Daily Pauses for the Earth
Get involved with local or national politics as a vehicle for influence
Move towards plastic-free living
Get a buddy or start a little group to look at these issues together
Get a Fairphone (I know, they’re expensive! I’m saving up!)
Suggest to a few friends that they do my free For Dear Earth e-course
Drive less and/or buy an electric car
Thank others who are doing their bit
Decide to have fewer children
Write letters
Grow some vegetables
Join an online group to get support
Dedicate your spiritual practice to dear Earth
Learn about new economic models (e.g. Kate Raworth’s Doughnut Economics is fab)
Keep yourself as emotionally and physically healthy as you can so you can
Keep going (I’m sending love to you & so is dear Earth)