Dear Earth, who am I writing to?
On 5th March 2020 by Satya

Yesterday I was filmed for a Dutch programme about Extinction Rebellion. One of the questions Wouter asked me was, ‘who are you writing to?’. It’s an interesting question. Are you a figment of my imagination, sweet Earth? Am I talking to myself?
My vague answer to him (a deity, a living organism, infinite complexity and compassion) didn’t quite satisfy me. I was clear about my answer to the next question, though. “Does she talk back to you?”. Yes. Yes, you do.
You are talking to me right now, as I rest my ceramic mug on my cupped palm and delicious heat soaks into my fingertips. As you riffle the long tassels of catkins outside my window, you show me how to stay flexible. The precise beauty of this goldfinch delicately taking a seed reminds me that we are all beloved. Frogspawn crowding our pond whispers ‘abundance’, and that I am lucky to have survived past my tadpole beginnings into a frog.
Who are you, dear Earth? Who am I writing to? I have no idea. I feel the same way when I talk to the Buddha, or God.
What I do know is that writing to you helps me to make sense of things. It helps me to snuggle in closer to your cool grasses and your soft rain on my forehead. It gives me faith when I am trembling, and balm when I am ragged. It helps me to listen for directions, instructions and solutions. It reminds me to ENJOY you.
It helps me to love you, and to trust that I am loved.
Love, Satya <3
Gratitude for the image by Christian Supik (Fotografie) + Manuela Pleier (Design) from Pixabay
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