For Dear Earth: free ecourse

Would you like to come into a closer relationship with our beautiful Earth? Have you been conscious of the climate and ecological crisis, and would you like to know more? Would you like to know what you can do about it all? Sign up to my free e-course on the right/below & receive your first email today.
Through Daily Pauses and 28 Daily Emails, this e-course will take you by the hand and accompany you through the facts. It will encourage you to make space for grounding and creativity, and support you through any responses you have to new information. It will also help you with any changes you choose to make.
This is not a course that will tell you what to do. I believe that change is only sustainable when we allow ourselves to be transformed from the inside out, slowly and gently. When we allow ourselves to be changed in this way, and when we come together with others, amazing things are possible.
You may decide to walk through a dark alleyway or two on your journey, and this e-course will be with you all the way. My own experience is that, on the other side of those dark alleyways, there are all kinds of wonderful things waiting for you.
If you are ready to spend some time hanging out with our glorious Earth, then join me. Sign up on the top right, and your first email will arrive soon. What an adventure we’ll have!