Hello Dear Earth writing tool

An earthello is a short piece of writing designed to help you connect with our precious planet. There’s a free 28 day e-course to accompany this writing tool – sign up on the right whenever you like.
To write an earthello, simply fill in the magic formula below every day.
Hello dear Earth.
H – Here I am… [where you are and/or what you’re feeling].
tune into yourself
E – Earth, you are… [whatever you notice/know about the Earth].
tune into the Earth around you, or what you know about her
L – Leaning in… [what happens when you do this?].
notice the connection between you and allow yourself to receive wisdom/peace/consolation/courage etc.
L – Listing gratitudes.. [as many as you like].
think about what you’re grateful for – past/present/future – and know that these things all came from the earth
O – Offering you… [whatever you want to offer].
make a gift to the Earth or hand something difficult over – know that the Earth is glad to receive whatever you give her & will find a use for it!
Share your daily hello on your Facebook page, in the Dear Earth group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/dearearthgroup/), on Twitter with #hellodearearth or #earthello, write it in a notebook, say it to the Earth, or put it wherever you want. No need for them to be ‘well-written’ – the important bit is in the doing of it.
Hello dear Earth.
Here I am – grumpy and guilty about not having done my tax return, with a sore shoulder.
Earth, you are busy growing all around me. You are vast.
Leaning into you, my shoulder relaxes a tiny bit.
Listing gratitude – blackbird song, my computer, a good night’s sleep.
Offering you my sadness about the plastic in your seas.
Hello dear Earth.
Here I am, bored.
Earth – you are full of animals and people and plants.
Leaning into you, nothing happens. I feel numb.
Listing gratitude – flamingoes, coffee, the woman in the post office who smiled at me this morning.
Offering my watered seedlings.
Hello dear Earth.
Here I am – a bit tired, fuzzy, content.
Earth – you are rustling, warm, beautiful.
Leaning in I feel cool breeze on my cheek.
Listing gratitude – my dogs playing, gooseberries growing, redbush tea.
Offering you my happiness.
Hello dear Earth.
Here I am in my office, cut off from you.
Earth, you are grey skies, concrete, office furniture.
Leaning into you I notice the ground underneath me.
Listing gratitude – the falafel sandwich in my bag, the water in the water cooler, my friend on the next floor up.
Offering putting this empty can into the recycling bin.