Dear Earth, thank you for little dogs.
On 5th November 2019 by Satya
I’m not a natural walker. As a child I couldn’t see the point of walking unless there was something good at the end of it – a park, or maybe a sweet shop. I hoped that getting a dog would encourage me out of your buildings, Earth, and under the high ceilings of your skies.
Our little dog Aiko doesn’t need much walking – one a day does her fine. She’s already been walked today by her uncle Dayamay. When I received the gift of an unexpected hour this afternoon, I was surprised to hear myself think, ‘I could take her out for a quick turn around the block’.
There is a short loop from the temple which takes us along the main road, up a quiet residential street studded with quirky houses I lust after, down a short grassy corridor, down the hill and back along the main street. It doesn’t take more than twenty minutes.
After my walk, my brain feels like a shaken-out rug. There is a little more space between the cells in my body.
Little dogs have proved to be good getting-me-outside devices. There are others – vegetable patches, cameras, friends, and cakes with a walk to get to them. I am grateful for these devices, as they remind me to look up at the sliver of moon and down at the green straggles of weeds dotting the pavements. They give me an excuse to have a conversation with you, beloved Earth. This time is never wasted.
Little dog is napping, and I have some more work to do before the day is done. I’ll carry your influence with me, airy Earth, like cloth soaked in sweet incense smoke.
Love, Satya <3
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