Dear Earth, we are so vulnerable.
On 11th February 2020 by Satya
The Corona virus is killing our brothers and sisters. 6.7 million people in Yemen are relying on food aid. A few days ago, a twenty five year old colleague died suddenly. He had been trying to save you, dear Earth.
Outside, a few flakes of wet snow are diving past the hazel catkins and the dark ivy and nestling into the grass. I look away, write a sentence, and when I look back the snow has stopped and the sun is blazing.
The weather changes. Viruses blow in and out again. War blooms and rots. some of us die as we would expect, our aged bodies ready to rest, and some of us will be taken much sooner.
What can we do? We are squelching skin-bags of impermanence, fooling ourselves that we will live forever.
Today two women have come to clean the temple, as an offering. Kaspa paused for ten minutes earlier to fuss our purring cat. Yesterday we ate chocolate cake with our friend, who has been alive for 54 years. The magnolia tree is budding.
We can love each other while we are here. We can be kind to everything that is cowering or lashing out. We can praise your magnificence, darling Earth. When we need to, we can lean into your soft chest and rest.
Love Satya <3
Gratitude to Luke Southern on Unsplash
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