Dear Earth, you are lush.
On 17th February 2020 by Satya
Your lushness is infinite, but today I want to single out this soup. The clear, happy orange of fresh carrots. The velvet richness of roasted squash. An electric hint of ginger. A splash of lemon. Salt.
For years I ordered a weekly veg box from a large company. I liked that I could say what vegetables I did want, and which I didn’t. I was fussy, and quick to complain if a vegetable was spoiled, or if there wasn’t enough variety.
Now we order our veg from our local farm, and the growing is supervised and mostly carried out by Rachel. When the box arrives, it’s a gift. Look what she’s grown! Even at this time of year – long beets, tender baby rainbow chard, a huge knobbly celeriac, a glossy red cabbage…
There’s no asking for certain veg, or banning others. What arrives is what the field is offering. Week after week, I exchange a paltry amount of cash for all Rachel’s work, all that weather, all those nutrients, all that amazing flavour.
Darling Earth, your squash and carrot soup has nourished my body and my spirit. Allow me to offer these words to you, and my gratitude, which is overflowing.
Love, Satya <3
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