Dear Earth, I am tiny.
On 23rd September 2019 by SatyaI am one of your seven point seven billion humans. Just 1, out of 7000000000.
Since I was born, you have given me all I need. Your dark crumbly earth has fed me. Your clear water has quenched my thirst. Your raw materials have clothed me, housed me, entertained me, inspired me. Your rich atmosphere gave me my first breath, and this one. You will be with me until my very last.
I owe you everything, and I am utterly dependent on your health for my own continuance.
Knowledge of this deep dependency can be frightening. It shows me how little control I have. It demands humility. It holds me accountable to my actions, both conscious and unconscious. If I have harmed you (I have, I have) then it shows me what I need to do.
I need to feel grief, and to use this grief as fire to fuel me. I need to do one thing that will help you to heal, and then another. I need to take exquisite care of myself, so I can do this for as long as possible. I need to be realistic about what 1 in 7.7 billion can do. And, I need to let you support me, dear darling Earth, because with your help we can change everything.
Love, Satya <3
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