Dear Earth, the weather inside my head is gloomy.
On 25th November 2019 by SatyaNothing particular has happened. A series of irritations, an underlying grief, a couple of triggers. Weariness after weeks of work. A backlog of bitterness that has burst like a spot. Weather systems are complicated, both inside my head and on your body, dear Earth.
As complex as they are, we can change entire weather systems. We have. I don’t have to tell you about the carbon dioxide, darling Earth.
What helps my weather system? Putting myself in good conditions – nourishing myself, spiritual practice, sharing with other humans, rest. Eating art, and looking at your goldfinches and your million greens. The usual stuff.
What also helps is remembering that I’m not in control of the entire thing. My internal weather system leans on genes, your weather, early childhood experience, my loved one’s internal weather, my old cat’s health, Brexit…
I’m not the God of my weather. God is God. Earth, despite your astonishing talent for balancing yourself, you are also at the mercy of the creatures that live on you, and of Brother Sun, and of the Universe.
There are things we can do, and then we may as well surrender. Today the weather inside my head is gloomy. That’s okay. It’ll lighten again, before too long.
In the meantime, I can praise you, beloved Earth. Your moth-eaten yellow magnolia leaves just clinging onto their twigs. Your huge sunflower head, left for the birds and now with a bloom of ash-grey mould. Your mud brought in on paws. Your blurred landscape behind the endless rain. What gloomy beauty!
Always yours, Satya <3
Gratitude to photo by Rhendi Rukmana on Unsplash
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