Dear Earth, not being in denial sucks.
On 17th September 2019 by SatyaI knew about climate change for half my life. I knew about the greenhouse effect and the disappearing rainforest. I knew we were heading in a bad direction. My life went on as before.
What changed? Why am I now waking in the night, my adrenaline fizzing? Why am I obsessively reading the news? Why am I putting swathes of my free time into organising a rebellion? Why am I on this roller-coaster of fierce grief and hot anger and swamping overwhelm?
It is so easy to slip back into the soft enveloping dressing-gown of denial. Extreme weather has been around forever, hasn’t it? Humans have always suffered in vast numbers, haven’t they? You are feisty and resilient, dear Earth, and you will sort things out for us, won’t you? The governments know what’s happening and they won’t lead us into catastrophe, will they?
I want to preserve my comfortable existence. When I look into the gaping jaws of climate science, I see how precarious it is. I see that we will be chewed up and spat out, unless we make drastic changes to our lifestyles, soon. I see that most of us won’t do this willingly, and so it will have to be agreed by representatives of the nation and then mandated. I see that the governments will never risk the unpopularity of speaking these truths.
I don’t want to be a rebel. I want to be a psychotherapist who writes books and runs a Buddhist temple. I want to spend my free time walking on the common with my little dog, or reading murder mysteries, or baking cakes.
And, I see that it is time for me to rebel. It is time for us to take matters into our own hands, before it is too late. Some say that the tipping point is already behind us, and maybe they are right, and that is no reason not to act.
Not being in denial sucks. And being in denial sucks more. There is a sweet relief that comes with facing the truth, and surges of energy, and great reserves of compassion for ourselves and for each other. And for you, dear Earth, with your volcanoes and your underwater palaces, your manta rays, woodlice and nightingales.
In stepping out of denial, we step into relationship with you. We dance with you and all your shining beauty.
Love, Satya <3
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