Category: ֎

Dear Earth, thank you for young dogs asleep on feet, and old cats asleep on laps. Read More

Dear Earth, this morning you are subdued, a dull sky and just on the edge of drizzle. My cat is asleep with a smile on his face, warm and circled on my therapy chair. Read More

Dear Earth, today you are wearing bolts of soft drizzle and they suit you, your features are blurred and gentle. The thirsty ground is soaking itself happy. Read More

Dear Earth, this morning your skies are astounding – a vast inverted bowl of delicate stratoculumus, lit up from below by horizontal shards of tangerine. Underneath, hillocks are boats in the ghostly mist. Read More

Dear Earth, how can we possibly enjoy you?

Much of you is poisoned, dear Earth. Your forests are thinning like hair. Many of your glorious species are fading into history. Your cloak of weather is whipping more and more crazily around you. When we take the science into our hearts and see what we have done, when we begin to grieve, how can Read More

Dear Earth, we are born wounded.

Maybe our grandfather was shamed when his pudgy two year old arms reached out, and he learnt to spit hate at his own need. Maybe our great grandmother was shut in the cupboard for hours at a time, and monsters grew in the dark. Further back: oppression breeding oppression, the horror of war, silent sexual Read More

Dear Earth, I am greedy.

When I was a child my mum would make pancakes as a special treat. One for me, one for my little brother. One for me, one for my little brother. I hated the time it took for the pale creamy batter to take on golden patterns, be flipped, and appear on my plate with sharp Read More

Dear Earth, this is the grief.

This is the grief I found like an underwater lake, vast and luminous. This is the grief that wakes me at 4 a.m. to stare at the ceiling, my heart trembling. This is the grief that follows me with a shadow of guilt. It has a bright lining of anger, and every so often it Read More

Dear Earth, what should I do now?

This rebellion is over. What should I do now? I have struggled with this question for most of my life. I have a tendency to take on too much – to cram too many appointments into my diary, and squeeze in too many responsibilities. I gasp for air around the edges, and yet when blank Read More

Dear Earth, it’s too late.

This morning I wanted to write something that would bring us all together, dear Earth, in our shared desire to heal you. And then I remembered that it was too late. There are already people who think that the way we’re doing things is wrong. There are people from within our movement who disagree gravely Read More

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