Dear Earth, breakfast was astonishing.
On 19th September 2019 by SatyaJust ordinary porridge with cinnamon and toasted sunflower seeds. Where did you grow my oats, Earth? You grew them in Cherrywood, New Zealand. They ate and drank with their toes from your dark soil, and your brother fed them with light. Sunflower seeds, cute nuggets of goodness my Little Dog loves – born on flowers
Dear Earth, we are all hungry babies.
On 18th September 2019 by SatyaAt the weekend my jagged edges rubbed up against the jagged edges of someone I love, and sparks flew. We were both wrung out and dispirited. We were at the end of our rope, and we fell. When we are tired, hungry, angry or lonely, we can lose access to our compassion. We don’t notice
Dear Earth, not being in denial sucks.
On 17th September 2019 by SatyaI knew about climate change for half my life. I knew about the greenhouse effect and the disappearing rainforest. I knew we were heading in a bad direction. My life went on as before. What changed? Why am I now waking in the night, my adrenaline fizzing? Why am I obsessively reading the news? Why
Dear Earth, help me receive your love.
On 16th September 2019 by SatyaWe were visited by an 88 year old Reverend Canon, the friend of a member of our Buddhist congregation. She joined us for service, chanting nembutsu, circumambulating around the tall golden Buddha, and bowing as far as her body would allow her to. Afterwards over decaffeinated coffee she spoke of a retreat she’d recently attended.
Dear Earth, I feel superior
On 14th September 2019 by SatyaYesterday I became a skull person and, with fellow rebels, walked slowly and silently through the streets of Worcester. We were delivering a letter about our disappointment in the County Council, who have failed to declare a climate emergency. As I walked, I felt sad. Everyone was going about their business as if nothing was
Dear Earth, thank you for denial
On 11th September 2019 by SatyaWhen I think about the dying earth right now, I don’t feel a thing. Swathes of denial are shifting around me, like layered suits of armour. This denial gets a bad name. We think that we’d be better off without it, and others too. Surely if everyone had their denial pulled away from them, people
Dear Earth, it’s too much.
On 9th September 2019 by SatyaOn waking, I read of Hurricane Dorian. These extreme weather furies have always happened on your body, Dear Earth, and crushed us like ants under an elephant’s foot. The scientists tell us that we have already made the weather gods more capricious, and that in the coming years more and more of us will be
Dear Earth, thanks for laps.
On 8th September 2019 by SatyaBefore my first cup of tea, I sat in the temple garden and looked out across the mist-pooled valley. The sun was bright and there was an autumnal freshness in the air. As often happens, our little dog Aiko climbed onto my lap and observed the morning with me. Laps are good places to be.
Dear Earth, it’s 4am & I’m frightened
On 7th September 2019 by SatyaThe lights are on and I’m sitting up in bed with my laptop. There are three cats on the bed, one of them purring. The temple is quiet. Earlier this evening twenty of us sat in a circle and explored the facts of the current state of your health, beloved Earth. We were asked how
Dear Earth, I want to enjoy you
On 2nd September 2019 by SatyaI want to enjoy you while I still can. That can be difficult when my head fills up with a tangle of plotting and self-recrimination and hopelessness and oughts. I forget to gather flowers from the garden and make posies for my little vases. I forget to pluck a sweet blueberry or two on the